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   Brothers and Sisters, religion was created by people to guide humanity in the old times, but some people misunderstood it by becoming enemies to others (that is, to people following different religions), which affected people globally, leading to wars, death, and hate. Please don’t rely on religion.

   The message to all believers is that they are taking religion too seriously, seeing people following other religions as their inferiors and limiting their Lives. Life is not about religions. Everyone is the same. Everyone has the Spirit with them. The difference is that some people work on themselves, to become better persons, and they can receive directly from God. It is about the changing yourself in this way, you grow in your Spirit and will receive knowledge over your Spirit directly through God. That’s what makes you a better person.

   Religions were created to guide humanity with rules. Please don’t take an ownership of it: Rely on God and continue to grow by receiving guidance directly from God. People and the Spirit (God) are the only way to happiness. People believe and pray in different ways, but all these prayers are directed to only one Spirit (God).

   The Spirit (God) is with you all the time. Talk to God as to one of your best friends about your needs, thanking Him for your Life. People are fragments of God. Our life depends on each other, and we cannot have a complete Life without one other. It is only that some people have lost their connection, not having the right attitude, making poor decisions, and hurting other people. Only you know your needs.

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